palo alto: cutting great neck 2.0

Worst e-mail I've ever sent to my friends

16:29 / by the gloriously humble gadi cohen / loving replies (0)

Don't be mean to Booboo*...

So, Booboo* and I had a completely awesome convo the other day. But, no, really, a COMPLETELY awesome convo.

Booboo is awesome. If a parent or somebody completely above her supervision reads this, don't read the part about Booboo. She is a good friend of mine.

Anyway, Booboo is retarded and evil and annoying. She can't do ANYTHING--ANYTIME. Evil girl who's fattie and who likes to eat yougurt. Hahahahahahahah. The funniest thing I ever did was feed Booboo yogurt with a spoon in the middle of Jew camp.
Anyway, so then I told her we should try it with ketchup (last night). But then she said "EW!" and hypocritically, she said: "Mashed-up french fries" and then I said "Poop" but I don't think she could hear me 'cuz she was laughing.

Which reminds me....two girls one cup? She watched that THREE times. And then she told me that the Asian one turns her on (Brazillian, you gross. :D)

Sarah, Don't Worry, That Was Not An Insult.

Okay, from now on, everytime I insult someone superficially or like with no true intention, I would say SDWTWNAI. Which stands for Sarah, Dpn't Worry, That Was Not An Insult.

Hey, Sarah, are you ever going to visit Israel? TELL ME! I WILL COME WITH YOU! TOTALLY! Sarah, you need to.I'd be your tourguide. Hehehehe. (I am not saying it to anybody...) Holy mother, JK! AARON AND BOOBOO, of course I'd be your tour-guide. Sorry--Deanna Britt Logan James and Shaina, you're not Jewish, so...well, if you go to Israel, I'd actually want to come more, but there's almost 0 chance. To tell you the truth.

I've decided that my favorite female singer is Billie Holiday. She is SO good. And the best male singer, either Paul or Frank Sinatra. I am leanin towards Frank, but, gah. I have no idea. How about that?

SARAH DID YOU LIKE HAROLD AND MAUDE?!?!?!?!?! I was about to ask you if I can come to your house and watch it, but then I knew that'd be the stupidest thing I'd say that day and left it behind. Your family probably wouldn't be fond of somebody who'd be snorting and cackling and saying "oh" and "aw" and "ah" to a movie he's seen once before.

My favorite musical movie is a tie. (HOLY SHIT I JUST HAD TO SAY THAT.) Chicago/Cabaret. Both seven letters, both starting with C, both won Best Picture in the Academy Awards. Whcih reminds me, I really want to see Juno. Like terribly. My veins are screeching Juno. Juno! JUNO! JUNO! JUNO! JUNO!

So, how's everyone? Studying for finals? Well, tell me--what do you mean by studying for finals? Should I? Give me some tips--do I read the entire books, or just do homework again, or what? And what day is what subject final? Hmm?

I think that'd be it. I didn't write as much as Sarah, but what Sarah wrote was probably the worst piece of email christ allmight ever. I couldn't read it. I mean, look at this: (Oh yeah, but you got to agree, it sounds like he had a boner!)

'Kay, this is easier than proofreading (*freading! freading! Hooray for freading!* o_0)/editing/whatever this message, so lemme say: when I say forwarded, I obiously mean "Reply All." *Obviously* is subjective, Sarah. OKAY!

(Plus James, Robert, just because you don't get them---HAHAHHA I won't go that far. SDWTWAI.)

Yeah, so, goodbye everybody, and, I, hope, I would see you this Friday. OKAY??? ALL O' YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MEANIES!!!!!

Oh yeah, and who can go to the Formal? Raise your paws. (hahaha)(hahaha).

the TPHS one, that is.


A sensual masterpiece that soars over all Rainbows

16:24 / by the gloriously humble gadi cohen / loving replies (0)

In Rainbows

The first time you hear In Rainbows, you just want more. It’s luxuriant and thin, tweaked with special electricity, moody and blissful at the same time. What makes this album scream—or sing, rather (you won’t find any screams on this album,)--is its ballad-like softness that evokes personality—something we haven’t heard from Radiohead before. Radiohead’s last few albums were packed with crunches that seemed forced and impersonal—attributed to the pressure placed on them by their record label—but In Rainbows is an insane trip full of delicate longing and sentiment. It’s a collection of anxious, polished tunes much lighter than their most successful album to date, Ok Computer. The track” Nude” is an elegant and thrilling ride into optimism, while “Faust Arp” is an uplifting snapshot full of autumn sensations; “15 Step” is digital jazz that will become a cultural masterpiece years from now, and “Videotape” is an emotional ode to one videotape or another. The only problem with In Rainbows is its lack of diversity; sometimes, tracks are carbon copies of the same mellow neuroticism, with no extraordinarily different songs. Even so, every song is a ticket to pleasure that ends too quickly. In Rainbows is a triumph, a nostalgic slumber into dreams of childhood, yet worldly and artful at the same time.

Reviewed by Gadi Cohen

20:33 / by the gloriously humble gadi cohen / loving replies (0)

Here is the list--my favorite paintings of all time. Some are portraits, some are backgrounds, some are just moments of soltitude, pondering the meaning of life, of love, of the things that we love so much but are too afraid to show. I have seen in real life only the fourth and the fifth.

I love them all with the same force. I have no clear favorite.

Caillebotte--Rooftops Under Snow
Vermeer- A Girl Asleep At a Table

Sisley- Flood at Port Marley
September Morn-Chabas
The Park-Klimt
Amanda's World by Wyeth Bar at the Folies Bergere-Manet

Woman at the Window- Dali
Nighthawks by Edward Hopper

And my favorite photographer, Doisneau. Here are a few of his:


New Year's Lists

10:41 / by the gloriously humble gadi cohen / loving replies (0)

Every day for the next week, I will write up a list of things I did in the past year until the final day, in which I will post my New Year's Resolution.

I've been meaning to do this for days--I forgot some books I read this year, but still--this is a list of books I read in 2007 (well, you know, not BOOKS--novels! I mean, I read SO many Dr. Seuss books this year it's NOT even funny):

Angela's Ashes
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry
The Five People You Meet in Heaven
To Kill A Mockingbird
The Virgin Suicides
My Sister's Keeper
Go Ask Alice
Breakfast at Tiffany's
White Oleander
Memoirs of a Geisha
A Thousand Splendid Suns
The Heart is a Lonely Hunter
The Silence of the Lambs
Catcher in the Rye
A Clockwork Orange
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
The Hours
The Odyssey
How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents

(I kinda forgot some books, because I clearly remember reading five books in July, and here there are only four from July.)

Since there are twenty-three books here, I will make a list of books I want to read by New Year's 2009:

Black Boy
Great Expectations
Lord of the Flies
Slaughterhouse Five
The Unbearable Lightness of Being
The Shadow of the Wind
Pride and Prejudice
The Alienist
The Godfather
The Blind Assassin
The Moviegoer
Things Fall Apart
The Road
The Book Thief
The Shining
The Pillars of the Earth
Saving Private Ryan
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
The Life of Pi

A bit ambitious, but I'll manage.