palo alto: cutting great neck 2.0

difficult month / un mes dificil

19:22 / by the gloriously humble gadi cohen /

this is such a horrid month. a stressful, long, agonizing month.


ap, regents prep, homework up, fun down, i die.

i want feedback. is this being read, or is this just for my personal gain?

ap world in a week (may 20).
i'm (almost!) excited.

To my yellow dog:

Your lids close like lips
that summon sluggish words
with their last breath,
a night closing in on itself
like lips on a ball
of unraveling yarn.
Night has been your shelter,
my slumber—your guardian;
the wicked witch
has whipped you away,
you dying, yellow dog
with a head attached by
two thin yellow strings.
Diamond eyes and golden crust
that cooled against my cheek
evenings and summer afternoons,
under thick blankets, false hopes
that disappeared with daunting
dreams and jaunting ambitions—
night prowling in black,
plastic eyes, wind flapping
in long, detached ears. My yellow dog: Ten years,
you have brought me night;
Ten years, you have brought
me sleep. You aged Thai yellow
doll—your last barks ring
around my head in dreams.

edit:and sarah, this is not about ginger.

label me: , , ,

2 loving replies:

Britt on 13 May 2009 at 22:00

I read this Gadi Cohen. Reminds me of how much we need you back here. See you soon I hope!

Sarah Scherk on 14 May 2009 at 16:10

I read this Gadi Cohen. I like it. CCA/TP had AP world today. It wasn't that bad so don't worry about it. ;) Did Ginger die? If so I'm really sorry for your loss.

Keep on writing; I miss you!

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