palo alto: cutting great neck 2.0

tell me who i search for

22:43 / by the gloriously humble gadi cohen /

i fell back into the empty black womb of life.

if i try to find you
in the inner complexes of my mind
i will be lost.

if i try to search you,
each rising tide will only erase us
more, and mor, and mo, and m, and

each black night
will only fill our souls
to the brim.

a mug.


i will not remember you.
i will not find you, i will not search you.

i will not need to.

i will forget you.

in the darkness,
calmly cavernous,
i will have my fingers to search for,
and my breath
and my toes.

even there
i can be lost.
but only in the darkness.

not trapped
but saved
from searching
for you,

whoever you are.

thank you
for letting me forget .

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